A bait with a distinct creamy aroma and taste, created by combining different natural flavourings and flavour enhancers, capable of attracting and catching carp in any situation.
The nutrient profile of MULTI FRUIT makes them quite similar to Cream8, which means that we have placed more emphasis on energy than protein, while still maintaining an optimal protein supply for either long-term feeding or for use in natural food-rich environments.
The flavour of these boilies is the result of a combination of different flavourings and squid-based attractors, accompanied by a high percentage of noble animal-derived ingredients. This has enabled us to create a bait that is extremely attractive and active in the water, but retains a distinct aroma and taste even after many hours in the water.
Cream8 Strategy Boilies 20mm 5,5kg Cream8 Strategy Boilies 20mm 5,5kg
Our STRATEGY boilies perfectly copy the olfactory and gustatory structure of our baits, but offer a milder nutritional profile, making them perfect for intensive baiting campaigns. The structure of the baits makes them slightly slower in the dispersion of nutrients, making them longer lasting when immersed.
Plasma Squid Strategy Boilies 20mm 5,5kg Plasma Squid Strategy Boilies 20mm 5,5kg
Our STRATEGY boilies perfectly copy the olfactory and gustatory structure of our baits, but offer a milder nutritional profile, making them perfect for intensive baiting campaigns. The structure of the baits makes them slightly slower in the dispersion of nutrients, making them longer lasting when immersed.
Multi Fruit Strategy Boilies 20mm 5,5kg Multi Fruit Strategy Boilies 20mm 5,5kg
Our STRATEGY boilies perfectly copy the olfactory and gustatory structure of our baits, but offer a milder nutritional profile, making them perfect for intensive baiting campaigns. The structure of the baits makes them slightly slower in the dispersion of nutrients, making them longer lasting when immersed.
Cream8 Feeding 2kg Cream8 Feeding 2kg
Rešitev Magnet Baits za vse krapolovce, ki potrebujejo veliko količino vab za krmljenje v večjih jezerih in rekah.
Magnet Cream8 Performance Feeding 2Kg Boilies Magnet Cream8 Performance Feeding 2Kg Boilies
Ta vaba je zasnovana in pripravljena za obilno krmljenje v času prehranjevalne mrzlice krapov ali za spodbujanje prehranjevanja v trenutkih brezvoljnosti. Lahko se zdi, da je ideja nenavadna, saj gre za dve nasprotujoči si okoliščini, vendar je zaradi sestave in delovanja, ki nam ju je uspelo ustvariti, ta visoko topna vaba sposobna zadržati ribe pri hranjenju dolgo časa, ne da bi se nasitile. Tako dobimo priložnost za neprekinjen ribolov, tudi kadar nas razmere prisilijo, da na svojem ribolovnem mestu spustimo velike količine vab.
Magnet Plasma Squid Performance Feeding 2Kg Boilies Magnet Plasma Squid Performance Feeding 2Kg Boilies
Ta vaba je zasnovana in pripravljena za obilno krmljenje v času prehranjevalne mrzlice krapov ali za spodbujanje prehranjevanja v trenutkih brezvoljnosti. Lahko se zdi, da je ideja nenavadna, saj gre za dve nasprotujoči si okoliščini, vendar je zaradi sestave in delovanja, ki nam ju je uspelo ustvariti, ta visoko topna vaba sposobna zadržati ribe pri hranjenju dolgo časa, ne da bi se nasitile. Tako dobimo priložnost za neprekinjen ribolov, tudi kadar nas razmere prisilijo, da na svojem ribolovnem mestu spustimo velike količine vab.