Tactical Box 1 Tackle & Rig Storage Tactical Box 1 Tackle & Rig Storage
Compact and quite slim tackle box for the mobile angler - Extremely strong construction, closure with two locking tabs - 21 storage compartments on the lid for small accessories - One large compartment divided in 3 sections - 4 dividers to adjust the two compartments on the sides - Compact rig board with pins included, ideal for up to 5/6 ready rigs - Dimensions 24,5cm X 5,5cm X 12,5cm - Weight 400g
Tactical Box 2 Tackle & Rig Storage Tactical Box 2 Tackle & Rig Storage
Compact but deep tackle box for the mobile angler - Extremely strong construction, closure with two locking tabs - 21 storage compartments on the lid for small accessories - One large compartment with two adjustable dividers - Dimensions 24,5cm X 7cm X 12,5cm - Weight 380g
Taktična škatla 3 za shranjevanje orodij in naprav Taktična škatla 3 za shranjevanje orodij in naprav
Srednje velika škatla za pribor - Enostavna za prenašanje, vendar lahko sprejme veliko količino terminalnega pribora - Izjemno močna konstrukcija, zapiranje z dvema zaklepoma - 17 predalčkov na pokrovu za shranjevanje drobnega pribora - Vključena velika ploščica za do 20 pribora - Glavni predal s 5 nastavljivimi razdelki - Vključena 2 škatli Tactical Bits Box (6+2 in 6+3 predali) - Dimenzije 29 cm X 7 cm X 21 cm - Teža 790 g
Tactical Box 4 Tackle & Rig Storage Tactical Box 4 Tackle & Rig Storage
Medium/Large sized tackle box - Ideal for the anglers who prefer to carry a large quantity of terminal tackle - Extremely strong construction, closure with two locking tabs - 13 storage compartments on the lid - Rig board fixed on the lid, capacity up to 16 ready rigs - Removable rig board included for up to 20 rigs - Main compartments with 4 adjustable dividers - Dimensions 35cm X 5,5cm X 16cm - Weight 710g
Tactical Box 5 Tackle & Rig Storage Tactical Box 5 Tackle & Rig Storage
Large sized tackle box - Ideal for the anglers who prefer to carry half of a fishing shop with them - Extremely strong construction, closure with two locking tabs - Large and removable rig board for up to 24 ready rigs - Main compartment divided in 3 sections - 11 dividers provided to fine tune volumes according to your needs - 8 Tactical Bits Box included (1pc 6+3, 1pc 6+2, 1pc 6+1, 2pc 6+6, 1pc 8, 2pc 4 compartments) - Dimensions 38cm X 6cm X 28,5cm - Total weight 1,74kg
Small accessory boxes solid as a rock - Closure with one oversized locking tab - Gunsmoke lids allow to see what's inside - Dimension 10cm X 2,3cm X 8,5cm - Weight 70g
Hooks & Bits Box Tackle Rig Storage Hooks & Bits Box Tackle Rig Storage
Shockproof and waterproof - 12 adjustable compartments for small accessories - High density foam hook holder to safely store up to 120 hooks - Dimensions W17cm D11cm H4,5cm
Leaders & Zig Magnetic Case Luggage Leaders & Zig Magnetic Case Luggage
Can store up to 16 pre-tied Leaders or zig rig - Virtually indestructible, made from reinforced PVC plastic - Magnetic closure - 8 removable winding board with soft rubber edge - 2 pins supplied with each board - Compact and user friendly - Dimensions : W21cm H10cm D3cm
Vodotesni kozarci za vabo z notranjo košarico - dimenzije posode za vabe M Ø9cm H4,5cm - dimenzije posode za vabe L Ø9cm H6,7cm